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Magic Bleeds -  Ilona Andrews I just can't with this book.

Like I literally can't!

I have so many feelings. Kate. And Curran.
And there's family drama. Order drama. Pack drama.
Ugh this is going to build up into something intense in the next books. There's going to be a showdown and I have a feeling I might not like it. Ughhhhh
Magic Strikes -  Ilona Andrews Magic! That's the subject of this book and how I feel at the end of it. It was magic.

I don't even want to talk all about it because I just want to read the next one.
The Rise of the Hotel Dumort - Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson "Come with you? To Pandemonium? To the Void? And here I thought my invitation to summer in New Jersey was the worst I had ever received."

Magnus, you're wit never fails to amuse me. I quite liked this story, I'm not sure what other people's problem with it is. It was a decent story and an interesting connection between Magnus and the hotel. It wasn't all that surprising with vampires involved that you know who was there, but oh well. It was a worthwhile read.

The Midnight Heir - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan HERONDALES!?!

UGH! Why does your family cause me such distress? -Sigh-

I really enjoyed this one, it was a much better and more well rounded story in comparison to the previous volumes. They're getting better as they go, I hold out high hopes for when I get to the Malec stories.
Magic Burns -  Ilona Andrews I think most other people were right when they say that this book really helps you understand what's going on in this universe. There were parts of the first book that really confused me with the magic, the tech and all the other things that weren't fully explained. This book, I got a better idea of what was going on and I actually really enjoyed it. What I like about them is their unique perspective on things like vampires and shifters. But god damn it, I want some information about Kate! I feel so in the dark about her. Grrrrr. On to the next book.
Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan OMG. You damn Herondales and Lightwoods are literally going to be the death of me. I wish I could give a shit about Jace as much as I give a shit about Will Herdondale or now Edmund Herondale. This family literally breaks my heart, at least in the past. Jace doesn't, he annoys me. But I love the subtle little things too, like the whips and of course that damn red necklace again. UGH! Too many feelings.
The Runaway Queen - Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson Not as interesting as the first one, but it was an ok read.
What Really Happened in Peru - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan I literally don't care that not that much happened in this book. I love Magnus so much. And if you don't think drunk Magnus and his flying carpet are hilarious, I don't trust you. This book gets extra stars for making me laugh out loud several times.
Magic Bites  - Renée Raudman, Ilona Andrews You know... I actually really enjoyed this book. Kate was very likeable, it was like she had all the good qualities of Eugine from Richelle Mead's Dark Swan series without being annoying and unexplainably being the center of attention for everyone of the opposite sex. At least the reason for the interest in Kate is eluded to (though not completely explained, which is ok because I like a little mystery). And not all the menfolk are falling over themselves for her. Plus she's a smart ass, of which I'm always a fan.

I like it, I'm looking forward to the next one. I'd especially like to see some more of Curran, Nick, and Derrick. I love those crazy kids already.
Of Poseidon - Anna Banks "I can't wait to act like I never read this book" <-- my review at the end of this book. <br/>
There's a lot of issues with this book. You can read about them with other people's reviews, particularly with the shifting points of view and tenses, predictability, etc.

It wasn't a bad story, but the end was fucked up. And it was painfully predictable. I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother writing a full review for it. We'll see.
The Warrior Heir  - Cinda Williams Chima, Robert Ramirez Liked it. Didn't love it. Will review later.

Pre-book review
WTF. Why are audiobook covers so awkward looking compared to the paper book?
Boy Meets Boy - David Levithan, Nicholas Robideau This book was total fluff. I feel bad even putting it on my 'real-life' shelf because it wasn't real life. It's unfortunate that it can't be real life, but the whole setting revolves around a town there gay and straight people are so integrated that there's few questions of acceptance like there are in the real world. It's not bad, it's just not very realistic coming from a country that has problems accepting the idea of same sex couples being allowed to marry.

I wish the world was a little more like this place. I say a little because there were parts that were still a little out there for me like a dance theme being 'Death', being forced to still rent VHS's because the store owner doesn't like DVDs, dance parties in a book store (really, I'm trying to buy a book here, not be at a concert), among other things. But I digress, the world is not like this. There's really not a whole lot going on in this book other than relationship drama of the high school level. Everyone is so accepted and understood that they don't really seem to have any problems other than the ones that they create on their own. In fact the only person who has any real issues (Tony) is benched into a very small supporting role in the overall cast.

I also really didn't like this recording. I really don't like the full cast audio, I just want one narrator. And the piano interludes got on my nerves more times then not.

It's not a bad book. I just put it higher on a pedestal after really enjoying David's character point of view in [b:Will Grayson, Will Grayson|6567017|Will Grayson, Will Grayson|John Green|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1368393890s/6567017.jpg|6759965]. But there's no depth like there was for his Will Grayson. I'm not giving up on you yet David. I still believe I'll love your books. I just didn't love this one.
The Too-Clever Fox - Leigh Bardugo This story wasn't so much a novella relating to the [b:Shadow and Bone|10194157|Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)|Leigh Bardugo|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1339533695s/10194157.jpg|15093325] series as its a fable. It's the story of the too clever fox who knows the way out of any situation thanks to his wit. I can see where it ties into [b:Siege and Storm|14061955|Siege and Storm (The Grisha, #2)|Leigh Bardugo|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1362166252s/14061955.jpg|19699752], particularly with Sturmhond. Oh the feelings I have. Now I know why Alina gave him that nickname. It was good, worth the read but not really necessary for the overall story.
Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo I am honestly baffled by this book. My review of the first book as so-so because there was nothing that really jumped out at me. And I think this time, the author did it right. I felt like everything in this book was just what it needed to be. But I have a hard time understanding the issues that some other people have with this book. I think that's what I'll discuss because the things I enjoyed, apparently other people didn't like.

Lets talk about characters. Alina was my favorite last time, she was a non-annoying girl who was in love with a boy she'd grown up with (Mal) and had an intense power that everyone wants for their own. Mal is a beautiful vulnerable but strong character, and I literally want to punch anyone who says anything bad about him. I fail to see how people can be so against him when they fall all over themselves for Ash in [b:The Iron King|6644117|The Iron King (The Iron Fey, #1)|Julie Kagawa|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327877670s/6644117.jpg|6838626]. I suppose Mal isn't a prince or a fey, so being human is his downfall. How dare he *sarcasm intended*

Sturmhond is the main addition to the cast this book and he and Mal both fight for my attention. I really can't talk about him much because there's a lot revealed about his character within the book. But suffice to say that the too clever fox makes me like pirates. And his wit just just so perfect and on point.

Now! I absolutely do not under an circumstances understand the obsession people have with the Darkling. No, just no. I love villains. Every one of my friends know this, they can pick out my favorite characters a mile away. The Darkling is a flaccid one dimensional piece of cardboard parading around as a villain. He literally is so boring as a character. It's great that he's all powerful and such, but I can't connect with him being a person. And why the fuck does he not have a real name? Because whenever I think of him, I literally think of him as a dementor. I just do no see him as a human. Done, over, go away forever.

Side characters are somewhat forgettable. I tried to feel bad for some people that got killed, but it was difficult because I couldn't remember some of them. I will say that the twins were awesome (I can't spell their names so I won't try to butcher them) and I do like David. I thought they were all a good ensemble, just sort of all meshed together.

Overall the story moves along at an adequate pace and is very entertaining. I loved it, the second book made me a believer, I'll definitely continue with this series. I just want to see more of a certain fox in the next installment =|
Untitled (The Ascendance Trilogy, #3) - Jennifer A. Nielsen 6/13/13
I just saw that there was a cover. And a release date! Gimmmmmmmeeeee Gimmeeee NOW!

I need this book like yesterday.
The Runaway King  - Jennifer A. Nielsen I honestly don't think I can say much about this book without giving anything away that might spoil it or the first book. I'll try to do my best.

Sage is back in this book, for another round of adventure. This time he's left the capital in order to travel to a neighboring country where he'll attempt to join the pirates. These pirates aren't confined to the sea, they have their own land and even their own king. And Sage has a score to settle with them.

This book further reiterates what I love so much about Sage, he's sarcastic and mean, but he's damn clever and resourceful. People continually doubt and underestimate him, and yet he perseveres. Yet judging by the end of this book, it seems people aren't done underestimating him though. I assume that will be their loss.

Familiar faces grace this book as well as some new ones. Roden was a surprise, he's changed so much, but he's so bitter about how events transpired in the first installment. But I loved Harlowe and Erick. I wasn't sure how I felt about Erick to begin with, but they were great additions to the cast, even if it already was kind of a sausage fest.

I have to wait until 2014 for the next book! The next book doesn't even have a synopsis yet! Ugh, what am I doing to do?